Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The search of the art finally can complete me

The history behind buy a sitar

All I cross to find my way

My way

All begin when I was child when I feel attraction to the beauty of the world, you can think this is a normal feeling can have a child exploring their senses, but after a time I begin to feel I need to do something with that. I begin with the cinema and the photography, after I was trying with the writing, activity I love and I feel realized, but after a travel with a friend to India, and try to find my spiritual way, someone local told me, If you want to find your spirit you need to buy a sitar.

My discover

Is in India, where I was doing a study to discover all kind of sitar you can find, because honestly the unique model I can listen first was the model of Ravi Shankar in youtube. The question of buy a sitar is delicate because is not a product you find easy like a guitar, It's a fact. Was very lucky to be in the country where origin the sitar. After 5 days asking to the people, I take a decision and finally to buy a sitar, my own sitar!

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